I haven't bought the Michael Cheney videos (yet) but I did subscribe to his free lessons and the first one (albeit slightly hypey) did mention a good point about how to get your site noticed for particular keywords.
It's something I have noticed myself over the years and also something I've noticed that not many people do.
It's all to do with how you link to your site, if you ask people to use the words "Kerbuple fift" as the text of an html link (Kerbuple fift) then when that term will be linked to your address, if you have many links out there all saying visit Kerbuple fift then you will better your position in the search engines for that term!
I did the same sort of thing a while back but with a photo, a lot of my friends call me gay so I engineered this to happen on a Google image search for "not a gay guy" (here is the full page of not a gay guys! the first picture is me!)
My adsense on my VWD elottery blog is the best performing so far, yesterday it had 3 clicks for a massive 30c ,only 10c a click but after I used the competitive filter to remove certain sites from the adverts it seemed to go up, today I have already had 2 clicks for 59c ! yey! is this against TOS to reveal these numbers?
Google analytics hasn't shown any keyword searches for my Xbox 360 Videos video blog yet but at least it knows the site exists so it will only be a matter of time. I've blogrolled it on my PR5 blog so that will help the process.
Adsense Earnings: $18.47
Friday, September 29, 2006